Jacob's Well is a Praise and Worship Band with Original Christian Rock Music. "Virtual Office" based out of St. Joe Community Church, their Music Ministry Outreach is available for all Church Events, Concerts, Festivals and Live Music Venues.
Jacob's Well Band, INC "Not For Profit" Music Ministry Outreach
"DONATIONS" Please feel free to contact Greg Andrews for more information at JacobsWellTheBand@gmail.com or (260) 479-0423.
You can also make checks payable to: St. Joe Community Church
MEMO: Jacob's Well
St. Joe Community Church c/o Jacob's Well
2900 N. Anthony Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
(260) 471-4704 (Church)
As always, JW thanks you for your continued Prayers and Tax Free Financial Support of this Music Ministry.
Greg Andrews (President/CEO)
Jacob's Well Band, Inc.
(260) 479-0423
St. Joe Community
2900 N. Anthony Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
(260) 471-4704

Letter of Recommendation
Letter of Recommendation